Middle of the nite I took Grove Mill Sauvignam Blanc Wine and drank half of it. Is my 1st time tasting New Zealand wine, not bad after all. The reason why i took half , is because later I will have trouble sleeping later . Just like the previous time I took 3 glass few day back an aussie wine during my friends birthday then after the party , Im like an owl in the middle of the nite at 4am . Is kind of weird when usually people drink wine and they might drunk but im different. I always took wine whenever i need to stay up late , is like my coffee.
This morning , I woke up and my head is like 10 book on top of my head.Gosh...!!! I was dizzy at least 3 hour. I woke up around 10.45am and what I know was I miss my Sunday Service which started at 9am and it end at 11am. I didnt even listen my alarm rang and my hp have 6 SMS and 8 miss called. I was like " What the hell on earth happen today???" ==
Once I got down , saw message written on the board . My parent when to Sunway Pyramid with my grandparent. Another lonely day alone in the house. Yippi~~Yippi~~
Since i was half sick I decided to stick on my bed with my Lappi. Just do and do my assignment and watch some American drama .
This afternoon some annoying salesman knocking on my gate . I t keep banging the locker creating such an annoying sound ading his BLOODY VOICE~~~ like a CHINAMAN~~~!!! I think the whole street is full with his voice . It keep calling.
HARLO!!! Watching show here , i couldnt listen what my character trying to say and Im kind of sick that time. In a suddent I duno WTH~~~ I just did , I open the window and shouted at him " Oooiii~~~ SHUT UP AND FUCK OFF~~~!!!! " What I remember was the guy looked uo at me and walked away a couple house down as i stare at him and he never even said sorry , such no manner chinaman . Ooops~~~ I forgot chinaman have no manner at all.
Later 4 somthing in the noon the sky got dark . During that time when I really really need somone accompany me but the person has gone. GONE!!! GONE!!! GONE!!! Could never come back again.
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