I was hidden under my shadow nearly a mth rite nw...is time 2 wake my self up...*slap/slap/slap* n said "Wake Up Ivan~~!!! Is nt d end of d world."
I knw some of my frenz did tell me...dis is love n i knw dat , dis is nt my 1st time...bt i jus gone missing , is jus whr d hell my gute gone!!! geee~~~!!! rili dissapointed.
But anywy rili thx 2 all my frenz advice . rili appreciate it alot...!!!
Well...since i was bhind scene lately let me update wat i hav been through some gd time....I jus been 2 MTV ASIA AWARD 2008 (MAA) in genting....is super fun...is my 1st time meeting so much big n amzing artist out thr internatinal , asian n locally here.
I been thr wif my college mate Andy n 2 of my net brother , Gino n Lawrence , they r pretty close 2 me...i cn treat dem as a close frenz. Is pretty amazing dat net frenz cn rili cn hav an amazing time wif dem. I feel there r one of D example a "truth frenz"
hehehe^^ bac 2 MAA 2008
Well...durin 2 august . I when 2 KL SENTRAL whr all d winner of RED CARPET N MOSH PIT r all thr...dat d pick point r...
so on dat dy b4 v checked in andy was underage cz some mistake bhind d process. he is stil 20 bt dis yr is 21yr o. still gt 3 mth n they dont let him go. so d second way is v ask 4 another form 2 call his parent 2 come over n sign d form so he aloud 2 go. well...d bad thg is his parent wasnt free on dat time n i cant b d onli 1 go by myself...n in my net frenz r in different busses n different group. I dont 1 2 b lonely sitting n enjoyin myself d whole event....I pick up a pen n take his form n sign 4 him as im lik his father. wakakaka^^....i hav no choice!!! He was so piss off dat time... well finally v when in2 d bus
1 hr later

v reach our destination...v hang around thr about 1 n half hr....2 let us hav some refreshment...as well as lunch.... 3pm v were all gather nex 2 d red carpet. v lik waited 4 1 hr b4 d celebrity step in2 d red carpet....pretty tired tryin 2 squezze myself 2 get a better spot....guess wat...???im kind of leanin on d gate adi...cool rite...bt d worst thg is d ppl at d bac keep pushing....
Well i saw Rena fr Quickies 8tv when all d press were oposite us....
Once it reach 4.10pm if nt mistaken...Utt,Denise,Taya ,Juju and some indonesia mtv.
Afta dat wahhh...i rili gone nuts when Pussycats strike d red carpet...One big artist come another.
I gt 2 shake almost all d big celebrity....dat cool...!!!bt sound weird doh...y i 1 2 shake their hand....sound lik....geee...i cant think d word out....haizz...
One republic , super junior , karen mok , leona lewis , jerald jero , panic of disco...
wah...wah...wah...alot...ok...den d last 1 was jaclyn victor...
haha^^d bad thg is when jaclyn victor strike d red carpet. all of us all run 2 d nex second check point so v cn gt d best stand in d concert.
Guesst wat...i was jus standing bside whr super junior n panic of disco sit...omg...!!! right side is lik all d celebrity sit n my left side is all d performance held n in front is whr all d award winner giv their speech...is lik d best stand i ever stand in my life so far.
D rest...i let d pic tell d story...
hahaha^^im nt used 2 type dat long....if u knw me...^^
bt i wil b upload it nex time...cz lot of pic blur...
Afta d evet is super tired...i meet some friendster frenz on d way there 2....pretty cool...
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