FED UP !!! FED UP !!! FED UP!!!
Well you guys and my future friends or whatever it is my mouth is not as sweet as u may think like last time. Don't waste your time changing me back
The reason why I make this point out is because whenever I'm nice to someone and they give in return a good way , that's fine I'm happy with it , but when sometime I make a single mistake they tend to ignore o giving me bullshit or walk away from me. Is pathetic...!!!
HARLO!!! I'M A HUMAN that make a couple of mistake . Don't be ridiculous...!!! Is like I committed a big crime . Why cant I learn from my mistake ???not a single chance I given. They walk away from me that the one that hurt me easily depending big situation. Just imagine you treated someone so nice and 1 day you make a single mistake and your friendship is GONE!!!FOREVER!!! WTF is going on with this earth???
I'm a emotional person and I admit it. I wont show it through my outlook , I only can express in word the sadness and trouble that I'm facing all around me . For me I hardly write it down cuz I doesn't 1 my friend know it. Even I'm fallen just like World Trade Center
Is not my 1st time is like uncountable time I have experience . I'm must be stupig to let that happen and straightening my point now is kind of to late for some you guys might though . I don't give a dam think bout it. People who treat me nice can easily hurt me so onward today I avoiding you guys for a couple of day. Let me sort thing out . I dont 1 to build so much effort being nice to almost every1 , Is waste of time when Im nice and I got bad feedback in return. Base in my life not a single of my friend know about me . To those who think you are close to me . You are not . You just know me 5% of myself only. Is the fact . Im might be too mysterious or over secretive some of you all might said .
Actually I have started to adopt this attitude trying not as nice as nice since last year . Those nice guy attitude picture me self-esteem and weak characteristic i got ,some of you all might think , dont worried is soon fed away and is hard to turn back.
Deep down Im breaking into tears . Some of you guys may think is just friends." What if is your lover???" " Jump and Die!!! " I may do that if i cant adjust myself to continue to live . Im weak as u can tell . I can be as strong as you might not think when Im not close to anyone just aim what I wanted to succeed. That one of the main reason Im single and not intrested in relationship rite now. I been to couple relationship it fail and hurt badly.
FED UP !!! FED UP !!! FED UP !!!
That might picture of myself Im selfish. I DONT GIVE A DAM BOUT IT ~~!!! I 1 TO LIVE MYSELF HAPPILY~~~~!!!!
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