Sunday, August 31, 2008
Begining of September 2008
well...kind of somthg i will lov 2 jog dwn here.
Yesterday d mornin til afternoon i was lik d whole day doin my assignment. Pretty boring and fed up of nt finish it. As i take a break and upload a couple of picture in2 my friendster and i few picture is wif my x. ready 2 move on. Not long after , my x sms me all in a suddent ask me 2 go out.Is lik since v broke up for 3 mth and v nv contact until nw bt actually i did bt is onli hi bye and a few wishes dat all. As my time is limit , Y nt i jus shw myself dat im ok , im fine n v r lik close frenz. Im sure x was already ready hav time 2 meet me. Well...somthg on my mind i pop up dat , I 1 2 gt somthg and forfill up wat I nid b4 v broke up adn somthg is wrong when x wanted 2 meet me.
As x came 2 my hse and pick me up. It was silent , den i couldnt jus let it b, I begin 2 start d conversation .
Everythg when smooth when v were in d cafe. I felt x has bcum 2 knw 2 act back b4 v hitch up 2gether. Well...dat gd!!! Jus realise dat x jus hitch up wif 1 of my gor which when back hmtwn. My reaction was lik shock cz somethg btw me n my gor v didnt knw somthg and nw i realise . Dat ok!!! I understand every1 have a secret of demself and onli certain ppl may knw .As i say i was shock , happy bt nt sure i hav d jealous feeling dat time. ANywy , im cool wif it. I did shw a great care during dat time all a suddent cz mb my self-pity again he gt some allegic n course x whole body except x face and neck rashes.
As v chat chat chat d whole nite it tox me over fr some confuse , sadness 4 a couple of mth in2 d guy , myself Ivan is back!!!
Well... I have limited time cz my assignment is nt done , if nt i wil b 4lo my x 2 watch some movie . If I have time i may nt also 1 2 go 4 movie , somthg is nt rite thr. As I reach my hse b4 i gt out d car. All in a suddent i feel dat i dont 1 2 leave x , bt i hav no choice 2 let it go. Den i duno wat happen v both connected someway , some hw v did C.H.K. in d car. Is complicated and ridiculous during dat time bt any hw I gt back wat I 1 b4 I broke and Im nv happi b4 for dis couple of mth.
If u 1 2 knw wat is C.H.K u might 1 2 ask me when u c me.
As i gt bac 2 my work and sign in my msn I meet my gor. D 1 is nw wif my x. v rite nw pretend dat v doesnt knw anythg btw me n my x and he and my x.Wat i knw is v both knw. i rethink bout it. As long my x is still around me , Im happi adi 2 move on so as my x. Im nt a guy once broke up and dissapear fr my lover eyes . Anywy i hav seen a couple of ppl rite nw. Live is always dis way.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I 1 2 prove something 1 day
Yesterday i was so rush finish up my floor plan n my interior material i couldnt even have time 2 touch. Luckily my frenz Raymond came 4 d rescue. Millions thx 4 him.
Such a nice person dat i will nv let go off. I must repay him somthg.
Well...2day ownward i 1 2 prove some1 dat i can shw somthg gd thg up. Wif som1 in my heart owes it make me weak , bt dat wont stop me. I wil shw every1 dat i cn b as strong as Datuk Mahathir bt definitely i wont play bad thg lik him. hahahahaz^^
Deep in my heart is a 1 place 4 som1 I hav putted on. I love S so much dat everydy i have 2 msg S 2 make me feel secure. I will nt stop even rite nw S gt som1. It must b foolish when i say dat , lot ppl ask me move on. I wont , i knew 1 day i might gt it.
Basically thg kind of complicated rite nw. Im holding a rope make sure i wont drop.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sad n happi.
On the evening my uncle call have decided 3 places v goin 2 4 dis middle of september. I will b goin singapore , hong kong and taipei...
Gosh...!!! Im so excited goin to taipei cz havent lend my fit there yet
Well im goin 2 talk bout dis 3 place
1st is Singapore , Singapore is like my second home . 1 yea i will go down there at least 2 or 3 times . I always treat dat country as my shopping mall. I love shopping there eventhough the money is bigger den Malaysia ringgit bt is still cheap after convert into ringgit. I have tone of frenz overthere either. Rili miss dem there. Will b back there n i will attend 1 of my frenz cocktail party there as well.
2rd will b Hong Kong , Hong Kong is 1 of major fashion place in Asia . I will b staying in my uncle house . Since i start my facebook nt long ago , i knw a number of Hong Kong ppl and v hav chat in msn and play webcam as well. I will b meeting some of dem as well . Rili looking 4ward 2 it.
3rd will be Taipei , I havent been to Taipei , among dis 3 trip. Taipei is d 1 im looking 4ward 2 go. Gosh...!!! I hav some frenz study there so mb will b meeting up dem there. Gosh...!!!Im so excited and there is 1 of Asia fashion hub 2. Hopefully i bang in2 some Taiwanese star which i am goin 2 bang dem. Hahaha^^
Well...Dylan gorgor im comin , u must intro Tang YuZhe 2 me lo...
Since my mandarin suck , i dont care he can speak english im save.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Some1 Test My Patience- The Result

Friday, August 22, 2008
Making A Note - For My Friends
FED UP !!! FED UP !!! FED UP!!!
Well you guys and my future friends or whatever it is my mouth is not as sweet as u may think like last time. Don't waste your time changing me back
The reason why I make this point out is because whenever I'm nice to someone and they give in return a good way , that's fine I'm happy with it , but when sometime I make a single mistake they tend to ignore o giving me bullshit or walk away from me. Is pathetic...!!!
HARLO!!! I'M A HUMAN that make a couple of mistake . Don't be ridiculous...!!! Is like I committed a big crime . Why cant I learn from my mistake ???not a single chance I given. They walk away from me that the one that hurt me easily depending big situation. Just imagine you treated someone so nice and 1 day you make a single mistake and your friendship is GONE!!!FOREVER!!! WTF is going on with this earth???
I'm a emotional person and I admit it. I wont show it through my outlook , I only can express in word the sadness and trouble that I'm facing all around me . For me I hardly write it down cuz I doesn't 1 my friend know it. Even I'm fallen just like World Trade Center
Is not my 1st time is like uncountable time I have experience . I'm must be stupig to let that happen and straightening my point now is kind of to late for some you guys might though . I don't give a dam think bout it. People who treat me nice can easily hurt me so onward today I avoiding you guys for a couple of day. Let me sort thing out . I dont 1 to build so much effort being nice to almost every1 , Is waste of time when Im nice and I got bad feedback in return. Base in my life not a single of my friend know about me . To those who think you are close to me . You are not . You just know me 5% of myself only. Is the fact . Im might be too mysterious or over secretive some of you all might said .
Actually I have started to adopt this attitude trying not as nice as nice since last year . Those nice guy attitude picture me self-esteem and weak characteristic i got ,some of you all might think , dont worried is soon fed away and is hard to turn back.
Deep down Im breaking into tears . Some of you guys may think is just friends." What if is your lover???" " Jump and Die!!! " I may do that if i cant adjust myself to continue to live . Im weak as u can tell . I can be as strong as you might not think when Im not close to anyone just aim what I wanted to succeed. That one of the main reason Im single and not intrested in relationship rite now. I been to couple relationship it fail and hurt badly.
FED UP !!! FED UP !!! FED UP !!!
That might picture of myself Im selfish. I DONT GIVE A DAM BOUT IT ~~!!! I 1 TO LIVE MYSELF HAPPILY~~~~!!!!
Southern Europe - Albania a NEW Mediterranean LOVE
Albania [ælˈbeɪniə] (help·info), officially the Republic of Albania (Albanian: Republika e Shqipërisë pronounced [ɾɛˈpublika ɛ ʃcipəˈɾiːs], or simply Shqipëria), is a country in South Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Greece to the south-east, Montenegro to the north, partially-recognized Kosovo to the northeast, and the Republic of Macedonia to the east. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the west, and on the Ionian Sea to the southwest. It is less than 72 km (45 miles) from Italy, across the Strait of Otranto which links the Adriatic Sea to the Ionian Sea.
The country is a member of the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Council of Europe, World Trade Organisation,Organisation of the Islamic Conference, and Union for the Mediterranean. It is also a potential candidate for membership in the European Union and received a NATO membership invitation on 3 April 2008. Albania is expected to formally join the 26-nation pact next April on NATO's 60th birthday, and has provided support and troops for security and peacekeeping missions in the Balkans, in Afghanistan, Iraq and Chad.
Albania is a parliamentary democracy which is converting its economy into a big business oriented system. The Albanian capital, Tirana, is home to 600,000 of the country's 3.6 million people. As a result of the opening of the country in the post-communist era, Albania is now undergoing a development boom as its telecommunications, transport and utilities infrastructure is being revamped.
2day i woke up i gt a big headache...gee...den i head 2 my lappi n wat i saw all around my table is assignment assignment assignment. My parent came 2 my room later n ask me go 2 The Curve , my heart is lik "Ohyeah let's go...!!!SHIT~~~ my assignment" n reply i cant go...haizz...T.T
So they when out around 11am. i was super alone at home. I was bz doin my proposa 4 my uncle n his rest of his office worker and my assignment . Nt long afta my uncle call me they picked 5 place n wil b goin 2 d place 2 promote SODA fashion dis middle september. The place they picked were Singapore , Bangkok , Hanoi , Hong Kong and Taiper. i was lik freaking excited .
The cloud turn dark around 4pm. My nerve n some sort my mind pscyho me wif all those scary thg in my mind. On dat time i was lik scary , thx goodness Jack call me...everythg turn bac as usual. Thx Jack my HERO 2day^^
well...at9 is lik usual bac 2 my assignment again
Thursday, August 21, 2008
A mountainous nations , AFGHANISTAN
Afghanistan /æfˈgænɪstæn/, officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (Pashto: د افغانستان اسلامي جمهوریت, Persian: جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان), is a landlocked country that is located approximately in the center of Asia. It is variously designated as geographically located within Central Asia, South Asia, and the Middle East. It has religious, ethno-linguistic, and geographic links with most of its neighboring states. It is bordered by Pakistan in the south and east, Iran in the west, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the north, and China in the far northeast. The name Afghanistan means the "Land of Afghans."
Afghanistan is a culturally mixed nation, a crossroads between the East and the West, and has been an ancient focal point of trade and migration. It has an important geostrategical location, connecting South, Central and Southwest Asia. During its long history, the land has seen various invaders and conquerors, while on the other hand, local entities invaded the surrounding vast regions to form their own empires. Ahmad Shah Durrani created the Durrani Empire in 1747, with its capital at Kandahar. Subsequently, the capital was shifted to Kabul and most of its territories ceded to former neighboring countries. In the late 19th century, Afghanistan became a buffer state in "The Great Game" played between the British Indian Empire and Russian Empire. On August 19, 1919, following the third Anglo-Afghan war, the country regained full independence from the United Kingdom over its foreign affairs.
Since the late 1970s Afghanistan has suffered continuous and brutal civil war, which included foreign interventions in the form of the 1979 Soviet invasion and the recent 2001 US-led invasion that toppled the Taliban government. In late 2001 the United Nations Security Council authorized the creation of an International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). This force is composed of NATO troops that are involved in assisting the government of President Hamid Karzai in establishing the writ of law as well as rebuilding key infrastructures in the nation. In 2005, the United States and Afghanistan signed a strategic partnership agreement committing both nations to a long-term relationship. In the meantime, multi-billion US dollars have also been provided by the international community for the reconstruction of the country.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Somthing That remind u durin ur young age

Toy soldier
Sticker collection of our fav cartoons
I rmb i hav 3 sticker book collection

In Malay, this is called 'guli' but in English its called 'marbles'
I stil hav it rite nw. Nw i take dis pt as a decoration in my vase. Gd decoreaction assecrise

We take a piece of paper and fold it into the cute shape above, this can be used for guessing games etc


Some kind of sweet drink bottled into cute shapes.Some of it is in ice . This remind me during my primary time , whenever is hot weather i go n buy it.

Biscuits with icing on top. Guess wat...???everytime i eat dis. i eat all d biscuit n left d icing n slowly eat it.hahaha^^ not 2gether

Dis 1 i bought once bt pretty regret. stupig snack inside wif cheap toys. Yuck!!!duno y my frenz lov it.

I love dis wif all those cute shape of animal. hahaha^^

bubble gum which the wrapper has a temp tattoo behind - just wet it with some water, paste on your hand and the 'tattoo' is there.... Until the next time you wash your hand :P
Thursday, August 14, 2008
A great frenz dat drop fr sky.
u do enjoy lo...u take care ur health. Anywy i will b whenever u nid me , dat wat r frenz 4.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I rili rili rili rili million thx 2 u. Without u , i wil b moody 24 hr a day.
If u reading dis , i hope u knw im reffering 2 , i mean som of u guys.
I knw some of u guy duno dat bt deep inside i control myself n play an image dat i dont 1 u guy 2 knw im dwn. I dont 1 u guy 2 treat me different when u guy realise im in dat situation.
Anywy...Im proud 2 hav all my frenz bein such a caring n surporting me whenever i do n dont. I knw some of u r my guidiance. Rili appreciate u guys all.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Creative picture
Monday, August 11, 2008
Im lz 2 update 2day....some pic wil keep u entertain 2day
Saturday, August 9, 2008
One of MY TOP 5 PLACE i 1 2 migrate - STOCKHOLM,SWEDEN the official gateway to the City of Stockholm, one of the world’s most beautiful capitals.
Built on 14 islands around one of Europe’s largest and best-preserved mediaeval city centres, the Swedish capital is superbly positioned where the lake Mälaren opens up into the Baltic Sea.
Our aim is to develop Stockholm further, to facilitate everyday life for its citizens and to make Stockholm Northern Europe's most attractive location for people and businesses looking for quality of life, growth and a vibrating knowledge-based society.

I can never forget all the manificent place i been around Stockholm. I been twice there and every second i enjoy....Love the weather , people are friendly , clean enviroment , peaceful but there is no night life overthere that is the part that lost the excitement compare with Kuala Lumpur

Södertorn, a 86 meter tall building in Södermalm. I can c dis building almost wherever i go....hahaha^^

Stockholm Globe Arena is look like a big giant candy...simply beautiful when it light up at nite.

Riksdag parlament house , standing in front of this building is just lik u standing infront of the suria klcc entrace from the park is jus different is dat a little cold dat all...^^
well...i hav edit some off d redcarpet pic again...
The second celeb walk dwn d red carpet hav no idea who r they BT there is a guy more lik Justin Timberlake....mb d asian version...hahaha^^
That is Ella Fazira....didnt get 2 take a gt 2 shake her hand...hahaha^^
PUSSYCAT DOLLS...shock super duper crazy 1 there strike the redcarpet...i think they r d 1 rule d whole redcarpet....OMG!!!!
Well...more pic bout PCD n on comin celebs on redcarpet.