Saturday, September 20, 2008

**tag by Raymond** 071 look at it~~

oo1. Real Name: Ivan Soong
002.Nick Name: Key Juen , TJ , Oliver , IvanJuen , VanVan , JuenJuen
003.Married: Nop~~
004.Zodiac sign: Snake and Scorpio
005.Male or female: Dude~~MALE la~~~
006.Age: 18 but goin 2 be 19^^
007.High school: SMK Seri Saujana
008.College: Use to be in KBU International College , RITE NOW~~~!!! SAITO COLLEGE
009.Residence:Sri Petaling (Check on GoogleMAP if u duno where?)
010.Hair Colour: Original brownish hair
011.Long or Short hair: Medium long but goin 2 cut shorter a lil'
012.Drink: Red Wine o Orange or Mango juice o Milk
013.Available: NOPE~~ bt Im single....:P
014.Are you a health freak:50/50
016.Do you have a crush on someone: Yea~~~(secret)
017.Do you like yourself: YES~~~ But doin my best to improve
018.Piercing: Planing to do this month or next month
019Tattoo:Love to had one bhind my neck , It's cool but im scare of pain...I dont think so~~~
020.Righty or Lefty: Righty la~


021.First surgery: (secret)
022.First piercing: 19 this year lo...^^
023.First best friend: (Primary) is Chan Yi Sze , Hema and Alvin (Secondary)Maggie , Javier , Joseph till now~~~
024.First Award: 13 yr old , 1st prize for aluminium design frame
025.First Pet: Fishy~~~
026.First Vacation: hmm...Genting perhaps...
027.First Concert: A1
028.First Crush: Wahhh....uncountable. hehehe~~


029.Eating: Secret Recipe Chocolate Indulgence Cakes
030.Drinking: Jack's Daniel Red Wine
031.Im about to: Watching Youtube and MSN chatting with my friend
032.Listening: Keeps Getting Better ~~~Christina Aguilera
033.Food: refer 029
034.Drinks: refer 030
035.Colors: White and black
036.Numbers: 7


037.Want kids? Yup~~~but sometime not. hehehe^^
038.Want to get married? Yea~~~ still waiting for the right 1^^
039.Careers in mind: Interior designer, fashion designer , actor , VJ or News reader ^^


040.Lips or Eyes: Eyes
041.Hugs or kisses: BOTH!
042.Shorter or taller: Taller loh~~~
043.Romantic or spontameous: BOTH!
044.Nice stomach or Nice arms?: BOTH!
045.sensitive OR loud: Sensitive perhaps~~~
046.Hook up or Relationship: depends~
047.Trouble maker or hesitant: hesitant gua~


048.Kissed a stranger: Yea~
049.Drank bubbles? : Yea~~Bubble tea lo...^^
050.Lost glasses or contacts?: NEXT~~~ not my question
051.Ran away from home: no~im very obedient de~
052.Liked someone younger: Yea~~definetly
053.older: yea~~
054.Broken someone heart: SO NOT~ i think^^
055.Been arrested: HELLO~student here~
056.Turned someone down? : I think a number of time >.<
057.Cried someone died: yes~
058.Liked a friend: Once~


059.IN yourself: Of cuz~and still exploring more bout myself 2 b the best person
060.Miracle:ABSOLUTELY ~~waiting for my dream to come true~~
061.Love at 1st sight: yea~but I have no chance
062.Heaven: DEFINITELY~~
063.Santa Claus: not a fans of him~
064.Sex on the 1st date: hehehe^^
065.the more you hate, the more you love? : I dont think so~~
066.Angels: ^^


067. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yea~~mb
068.had more the one bf/gf at a time? haha~not a fans of 2 timers
069.Do you believe in GOD? yes i do~
070.You feel now? Lucky I have time to write such thing , if not choi toh soh~~

071. 5 people you tag: Maggie , Joseph , Jack , Adeline , Stephen

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